Best Cheapest Dota 2 Skins: Top Immortal Items

Arham Imran Updated: Jun 6, 2024 19:29

Best Cheapest Dota 2 Skins: Top Immortal Items

There’s no doubt that skins, in any game, make the characters way cooler to play. Even if they are just cosmetic, skins help you stand apart. Although the problem sometimes lies in the price of the skins, better-looking skins cost significantly more. Today, we’re counting down the best Dota 2 skins you can buy on a budget. A lower budget doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with cosmetics.

We’ll be talking about the best cheap Dota 2 skins, the hero they’re used for, their slotting, and the price at the end. If you’re looking for Dota 2 skins, this article will help you.

Latticean Hierarchy

  • Hero: Nyx Assassin
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Back
  • Price: $0.07

latticean hierarchy dota2

The Latticiean Hierarchy is one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins. What makes it so appealing is the extremely low cost of $0.07 to acquire it for your hero. It was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure I collection and has been adored by Nyx mains ever since.

This skin grants wearers some new animation to the Spiked Carapace ability. When activated, this ability temporarily stuns any enemies that attack you.


  • Hero: Timbersaw
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Off-hand
  • Price: $0.08

dota2 rectifier

If you’re looking for cheap Dota 2 skins for Timbersaw, a Rectifier might be just what you’re looking for. Priced at just $0.08, Rectifier gives players great value for money when bought. The off-hand cosmetic was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure II collection.

When equipped this skin changes the design of Chakram, Timbersaw’s ultimate ability. This sends out a giant, spinning chakram that deals AOE damage to all enemies in the target area. Casting it again sends a second, larger chakram to the targeted area. Enemies are damaged as long as they are in the chakram’s radius.

Warden of the Hellborn

  • Hero: Warlock
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.05

dota2 warden of the hellborn

Warden of the Hellborn is one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins. Being a headpiece for Warlock, it changes the animation of the Fatal Bonds ability. Released in 2020, Warden of the Hellborn was part of the Immortal Treasure I collection.

Players can chain their auto attacks to multiple enemies using the Fatal Bonds ability. With Warlock being a ranged hero, it is easy to strike multiple clumped-up enemies with each attack. The ability also debuffs enemies hit for a few seconds, enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Aktok’s Armour

  • Hero: Venomancer
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Shoulder
  • Price: $0.19

dota2 aktok’s armour

Slightly higher on the price list, we have Aktok’s Armour, a shoulder piece for Venomancer. It is priced at $0.19, making it one of the best Dota 2 skins on a budget. The skin was released in 2021 with Aghanim’s 2021 Immortal Treasure. It should be noted that the skin is non-tradable and not marketable either.

If you’re a fan of the unique Venomancer hero, you’ll want to get your hands on this skin. However, this skin does not give users any visual update on his abilities. It is just a cosmetic item that provides ambient effects on the hero’s model.


  • Hero: Keeper of the Light
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.07

dota2 prominence

Every mage needs a staff, exactly what Prominence is for Keeper of the Light. Released in 2020 as part of the Immortal Treasure I, Prominence is an Immortal weapon that provides new visual effects on the Blinding Light ability. It is one of the best Dota 2 skins due to its size and distinction.

The blinding light ability sends down a ray of light on the targeted area, knocking back all enemies within a radius. The ability is great for dispersing enemies during team fights, so you can pick them off individually.

Primal Peacemaker

  • Hero: Beastmaster
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.59

dota2 primal peacemaker

Primal Peacemaker is a fantastic weapon skin for Beastmaster with its enticing wing-like design and AOE ability. It provides a much-needed visual update on its weapon and Wild Axe ability. It was released in 2021 as part of the Nemestice 2021 Immortal Treasure collection.

Primal Peackmaker’s active ability is wild axes. The user throws two axes that curve towards the target direction and then return to the user. This can deal AOE damage to all enemies along its path.

Mask of Mortis

  • Hero: Death Prophet
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.06

dota2 mask of mortis

If you’re an avid Death Prophet player, Mask of Mortis might be able to greatly elevate your gameplay. This headpiece grants animation to Death Prophet’s Silence ability, which prevents enemies from using active abilities in fights. It was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure 1 collection.

The Silence ability on Mask of Mortis silences enemies in a huge radius. The cast range is pretty short for the ability, so you’ll need to get close enough for it to be effective, but its AOE is quite large compared to other AOE abilities.

Vise of Creation

  • Hero: Elder Titan
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.90

dota2 vise of creation

This weapon piece for Elder Titan is slightly more expensive than other Dota 2 skins on our list today, but for good reason. While equipped, Vise of Creation provides custom animation for the Earth Splitter ability, which is a great ability to have in team fights. The skin was added to the game in 2021 as part of the Nemestice 2021 Immortal Treasure collection.

If you’re playing Elder Titan, you can send a long-range shockwave in a straight direction that will erupt after a few seconds, displacing enemies. If you want to quickly break up a team fight and send enemies running, Earth Splitter should get the job done.

Tormented Crown

  • Hero: Leshrac
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.15

dota2 tormented crown

The Tormented Crown skin for Leshrac is a must-have if you aim to improve at the hero. Tormented Crown is regarded as one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins since it’s only $0.15 with an amazing custom animation. Tormented Crown also gives some cool animations to the Diabolic Edict ability.

On active use, Diabolic Edict summons damaging orbs on all nearby enemies. Since this is an auto-lock ability, players can activate this ability and focus on the battle simultaneously, passively damaging all nearby enemies.

Eye of Ix’yxa

  • Hero: Pugna
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.09

dota1 eye of ix’yxa

The Eye of Ix’yxa is a revered headpiece for Pugna. Priced at just $0.09, Eye of Ix’yxa is considered a Dota 2 cheap skin. It also makes the hero look cool and intimidating to your foes. The skin was released in 2020 as part of the Immortal Treasure III collection.

Eye of Ix’yxa provides animation for the Life Drain ability. Life Drain does exactly what the name states. On activation, drain the life force of the targeted enemy while damaging them. This can be extremely useful, especially if you aren’t targeted, as you’re gaining free health while dishing out massive damage.

Flight of Epiphany

  • Hero: Skywrath Mage
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Wings
  • Price: $0.05

dotas flight of epiphany

When playing Skywrath Mage, having a decent set of wings is necessary. Flight of Epiphany provides users with just that: a cool wing skin. Not only that, but you also receive custom effects for the Arcane Bolt ability. It was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure I collection.

When cast, heroes will shoot a bolt of energy at all nearby enemies. Players can use this ability to get in some extra damage when fighting.

Aktok’s Emissaries

  • Hero: Venomancer
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Stinger Limbs
  • Price: $0.35

Aktok’s Emissaries are a one-of-kind type of skin that are stinger limbs for Venomancer. The snake-like hero receives a cool skin for its stinger limbs and animation for the Poison Sting ability when equipped with this skin. The skin is priced at a low price of $0.35. The skin was released as part of Aghanim’s 2021 Immortal Treasure.
With Poison Sting, all of Venomancer’s auto attacks apply poison effects on enemies. This deals with DoT and can slowly whittle enemy health bars without counterplay.

Fortune of the Five Houses

  • Hero: Grimstroke
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.15

dota2 fortune of the five houses

Grimstroke users love to play Fortune of the Five Houses as their weapon skin of choice because of its otherworldly animation of the deadly Stroke of Fate ability. Released in 2019, it was part of the Immortal Treasure II skin collection and is available in-game.

With Stroke of Fate, players can open a rift before them, damaging all enemies in its path. It deals a decent bit of damage on impact and can stagger enemy health bars. This ability is also great for clearing waves since it does AOE damage to all enemies.

Dark Maw Inhibitor

  • Hero: Lifestealer
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.14

dota2 dark maw Inhibitor

If you want to improve at Lifestealer in Dota 2, you’ll probably want to get Dark Maw Inhibitor. This assassin-type hero leaves no enemy alive once it gets close enough to activate its Infest and Consume abilities. Dark Maw Inhibitor allows it to complete the kill in style. The skin was released in 2020 with the Immortal Treasure I collection.

Dark Maw Inhibitor is definitely in the category of the best cheap Dota 2 skins. Your outplays are much better by providing amazing animations to the combo abilities, Infest and Consume. Mark enemies with Infest to then activate Consume and deal a burst of damage to the enemies.

Twilight Schism

  • Hero: Luna
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.22

dota2 twilight schism

If you like playing Luna from the backline and having incredible mobility, there’s no better weapon skin than Twilight Schism. At a low cost of $0.22, Twilight Schism should be on your wishlist. The skin was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure II skin collection.

Twilight Schism gives animation to Moon Glaives. Upon activation, this ability allows users to ricochet their auto attacks on nearby enemies. The glaives can hit multiple enemies, repeatedly bouncing and damaging them.

Fate of Hydrophiinae

  • Hero: Medusa
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Tail
  • Price: $0.07

dota2 fate of hydrophiinae

Fate of Hydrophiinae is a tail cosmetic for the hero, Medusa. It falls in the Dota 2 cheap skins category, priced at $0.07. It brings Medusa’s hero animation to life with the two life-like tails. It also provides animation to the Mystic Snake ability. The skin was released in 2020 with the Immortal Treasure I skin line.

When players activate the Mystic Snake ability, Medusa sends a projectile that hits the targeted enemy. It will then ricochet to nearby enemies, eventually returning to Medusa and buffing her. It deals damage and simultaneously buffs the hero.

Shadow of the Dark Age

  • Hero: Night Stalker
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Arms
  • Price: $0.09

dota2 shadow of the dark age

Good skins for engaging heroes are hard to come by, but Shadow of the Dark Age is one of them. An armpiece skin for Night Stalker, Shadow of the Dark Age gives Night Stalker a brand new, striking look. The skin was released in 2020 as part of the Immortal Treasure I skin collection.

What makes this one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins is the active ability it provides animation effects to, Crippling Fear. When used, Crippling Fear surrounds Night Stalker with an aura. Enemies that come into contact with that aura take a small amount of damage and are silenced.

Saga of the Cymurrin Sage

  • Hero: Oracle
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.14

dota2 saga of the cymurrin sage

Oracle players are always after this headpiece cosmetic, Saga of the Cymurrin Sage. Since it animates a great healing ability, Purifying Flames, this skin is a must-have and is priced at just $0.14. The skin was released in 2020 as part of the Immortal Treasure III collection.

Purifying Flames is essential for Oracle as it can be used on allies to heal them and remove debuffs. This means they will receive more sustain and be able to avoid CC.

Chalice of Ix’yxa

  • Hero: Pugna
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.12

dota2 Chalice of Ix’yxa

When discussing the best Dota 2 skins, we can’t miss out on Pugna’s weapon skin, Chalice of Ix’yxa. Allowing Pugna players to deal high amounts of damage from afar, Nether Blast makes getting this skin vital. It was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure II collection.

When Nether Blast is used, the ground beneath the target area will erupt, doing significant AOE damage to all enemies within the radius. The high damage output of this ability makes Chalice of Ix’yxa one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins.

Bracers of Forlorn Precipice

  • Hero: Dark Seer
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Arm
  • Price: $0.11

dota2 bracers of forlorn precipice

Bracers of Forlorn Precipice is a great armpiece skin for Dark Seer, especially if you have a tank hero on your team. The Ion Shell ability makes it easy to tank damage while damaging nearby enemies. It is one of the best Dota 2 skins since it turns your defense into offense. It was released in 2018 with the Immortal Treasure II collection.

The animation effect on the Ion Shell ability comes from the Bracers of Forlorn Precipice. The ability allows Dark Seer to mark an ally with the Ion Shell. Whenever an enemy gets close to the targeted ally, they will start taking damage due to the ability. The ability can also be self-cast.

Dread Requisition

  • Hero: Lifestealer
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Arm
  • Price: $0.21

dota2 Dread Requisition

Lifestealer is not a hero to be messed with, especially if it has the Dread Requisition skin. This ominous skin provides intimidating animations for Lifestealer and the Open Wounds ability. The skin was released with the Immortal Treasure I collection in 2019.

Lifestealer can use the Open Wounds ability to attack enemies from afar, marking them with a debuff and damaging them. The hero was deadly as it was, but it is now much worse.

Fin of the First Spear

  • Hero: Slardar
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Head
  • Price: $0.15

dota2 Fin of the First Spear

Only Slardar mains know how appealing Fin of the First Spear is on the hero, making it much cooler when taking down opponents. The headpiece skin is only $0.15, so we consider it one of the game’s best cheap Dota 2 skins. It was released in 2020 with the Immortal Treasure II skin collection.

Fin of the First Spear’s effects extends to the Corrosive Haze ability. Slardar players can use this ability to reduce enemy armor, causing them to take increased damage from all sources.

Umbral Glyph

  • Hero: Warlock
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Lantern
  • Price: $0.057

dota2 umbral glyph

Another utility lantern skin for Warlock, Umbral Glyph, is versatile and works in all settings. The skin provides users with animations for the Shadow Word ability and is extremely cheap at just $0.057. It was released in 2019 as part of the Immortal Treasure II collection.

What makes this one of the best Dota 2 skins in the game are animation effects for the Shadow Word ability. Shadow Word can be used on both enemies and allies. When used on enemies, Warlock creates a shadow ring around them, dealing with DoT. When used on allies, it creates a protective ring around allies to reduce incoming damage.

Awaleb’s Trundleweed

  • Hero: Witch Doctor
  • Type: Immortal
  • Slot: Weapon
  • Price: $0.11

dota2 awaleb’s trundleweed

Awaleb’s Trundleweed is a 2020 weapon skin for Witch Doctor with animations for the active ability, Voodoo Restoration. The skin itself is amazingly made and stands out on the map. The skin was part of the Immortal Treasure II collection.

When using Voodoo Restoration, the Witch Doctor creates a healing aura around himself, healing all allies within the radius. This can be used anywhere and has quite a large radius of effect, making it impactful when used correctly. Awaleb’s Trundleweed is considered one of the best cheap Dota 2 skins.

Arham Imran
Arham Imran

Updated: Jun 6, 2024 19:29

Hey folks! I am Arham, a seasoned gamer whose life has revolved around video games as soon as my index finger could reach the F2 key on my keyboard. I started my journey with the popular pinball game on Windows XP, which slowly evolved into the classic Virtual Cop 2 and finally brought me to the world of Counter-Strike. I began with the good ol’ CS 1.6 and quickly turned over to CS:GO as soon as it was released in 2012. I can proudly stand here and say that I’ve spent needless hours in Counter-Strike lobbies, doing everything from perfecting my aim to trying to find cheeky boost positions in different maps. With the release of CS2, I’m even more excited as to what the FPS has in store for us, and I can’t wait to spend another decade of fun with my mates in CS2 matches. Apart from my love for Counter-Strike, I’m also quite fond of the classic MOBA. I love the challenge that games like Dota 2 and League of Legends bring along, always forcing you to learn something new in every game. With a lifelong experience of gaming on my hands, I’ve been traversing the writing stratosphere for about three years now and have written guides, news, and reviews on various video games throughout the years. I love to produce articles that engage my audience and help them through their gaming journey. I joined HellaGoodMarketing a year ago and instantly clicked with their goal and team. With so many websites click-baiting or providing fake information on gambling sites, it’s essential to have an authority that’s there to guide you, not to rip you off. I love to contribute and provide authentic guides via HellaGoodMarketing, aiming to make the world a better place, one article at a time. Whether it’s writing guides on crypto gambling or helping people dabble in some juicy Ethereum winnings, you’ll always find authentic and up-to-date information from my side! However, when I’m not flaming my teammates in Dota 2 lobbies or writing guides for all you gambling enthusiasts, I’m outside trying to photograph the urban landscape in my own unique way. Just like writing gaming guides, photography gives me the freedom to express my artistic impression in the way that I like. From capturing landscapes to street portraits, I love showcasing the outdoors through my personal lens. So, with my articles locked and loaded, join me as I help you navigate your favorite game gambling site or tell you all about how to score your favorite skins. If you have any questions or just want to play some casual Dota 2, feel free to engage with me on Instagram and tell me all about your queries!