
Cricut Mystery Boxes: How to Get in 2025?

Learn everything about Cricut Mystery Boxes in February 2025: 6 Sites to Open


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What is a Cricut mystery box?

An Official Cricut Mystery Box is a unique assortment of Cricut-brand things at a steeply limited cost. Normally, the MSRP (proposed retail cost) is around $130-$190+ however you just compensation generally $39-$49 for the entire box of things. Frequently, the things in the container are connected here and there or integrated with a topic, similar to the new “All that Glitters” secret box that was loaded up with sparkle vinyl, paper, and pens. Note that things are NOT chosen indiscriminately like a specialty store “get pack” — secret boxes with a similar name and delivered at a similar date will commonly have not set in stone arrangement of things. All things considered, the substance might change in the event that they run out of a specific thing — they’ll, supplant it with one more thing of equivalent or more prominent worth. (I don’t think this really happens an excessive amount of any longer, be that as it may.)

Best Cricut Mystery Boxes Sites in 2025

Rating Website Bonus code Claim here
1st HypeDrop HYPEHELLA Get 3 Free Boxes + 5% Bonus
2nd DatDrop top100list Get +5% for first deposit for Free
3rd Drakemall GAMBLE_CSGO get $0.55 for Free
4th Lootie hellagood get 1 Box for Free

What comes in a Cricut mystery box?

Ok, the central issue! The things in a Cricut Mystery Box change, yet ordinarily you might discover things like this inside:

  • vinyl (iron-on, glue, or potentially window stick);
  • move tape;
  • paper (strong as well as designed);
  • claim to fame cutting materials;
  • pens as well as markers;
  • apparatuses;
  • texture or felt samplers;
  • advanced picture sets;
  • textual styles;
  • Cricut Cutie (inclining further toward that later).

Not these things recorded will be in each secret box, be that as it may. You can discover what is in a secret box before you request one by watching an “unpacking video” or basically by actually looking at this page (I list the substance of the secret boxes here!). I’ve started doing “unpacking recordings” on my JenniferMaker Facebook page right when they are delivered, so be certain you follow the page. Obviously, you can simply arrange a secret box and be astounded when it shows up, as well! It’s dependent upon you!

Do Cricut cuties always come in a Cricut mystery box?

A Cricut Cutie is a little collectible plastic doll of the Cricut mascot (an “adorable cricket”) that occasionally slips into a secret box. You can’t accept Cricut Cuties through and through — you can just get them with the acquisition of something different or have them given to you by Cricut or somebody who truly enjoys you a ton! Some Cricut secret boxes do to be sure have a Cricut Cutie inside, however not ALL do. What’s more, you will not arbitrarily get a Cricut Cutie in light of the fact that somebody in the distribution center chose to slip one in. In the event that the unpacking video or secret box content rundown here on this page uncovers that there’s a Cricut Cutie, then, at that point, there ought to be one inside (excepting unexpected pressing mistakes or supply issues).

Cricut Mystery Box 2021

Would anyone be able to buy a Cricut mystery box?

Oh, no—Cricut Mystery Boxes are not accessible to everybody due to permitting limitations, transporting coordinations, and who can say for sure what. Regularly, just U.S. furthermore, Canadian occupants can arrange an Official Cricut Mystery Box — they are not as of now presented to inhabitants of different nations (sorry, companions in the UK, and Australia).

Likewise, some Cricut deals are explicit to Cricut Access supporters, so some Cricut Mystery Boxes might be offered uniquely to Cricut Access endorsers (like the March 2020 “Simple” Mystery Box). (This bodes well in that Cricut needs to remunerate its Cricut Access supporters!) The uplifting news is you save an additional a 10% off a secret box with Cricut Access (you should be endorsed in with the equivalent login that has Cricut Access to get any exceptional limits). On the off chance that you don’t yet have Cricut Access, recollect a free preliminary accompanies each new Cricut. In the event that your free preliminary has terminated, you can prefer Cricut Access here.

All that said, what you don’t have to do is SUBSCRIBE to the secret box itself — this isn’t a membership box administration. (I’m certain individuals wish it were.) If you need a Mystery Box, you’ll need to arrange one each time.

How do I get a Cricut mystery box?

The short reply: Order an Official Cricut Mystery Box on the Cricut Shop when it is delivered.

The long reply: Getting a Cricut secret box can be interesting in light of the fact that they are generally delivered in the day and some of the time sell out rapidly. The February 2020 secret box sold out in under three hours! In any case, not all secret boxes sell out that quick. Try to go about when you see it reported (follow my Facebook page here), however, if it’s not too much trouble, note that NOT ALL secret boxes are pre-declared.

When do Cricut mystery boxes get announced?

A phenomenal inquiry! Any reasonable person would agree there is something like one secret box each month, however now and again there’s multiple. As far as I can tell, they get delivered mid-week — I don’t think I’ve at any point seen one delivered at the end of the week by the same token. Also, generally, the Cricut Mystery Boxes are delivered in the day, commonly 12:00 pm ET.

What a great many people do is prefer online journals, Facebook pages, or potentially YouTube channels of crafters who “unpack” the secret box and show you what is inside, and this gives them a warning once the secret box is delivered!

Top Cricut Mystery Boxes

The price of a Cricut mystery box?

The Official Cricut Mystery Boxes are normally $39.99-$74.99 before limits. Indeed, you can typically apply limits, including my JenniferMaker 10% rebate (click here to perceive what the markdown code is at the present time) and a Cricut Access 10% rebate (you should be endorsed in to get it). So you can frequently get a Cricut Mystery Box for only $34.21 with both 10% limits (for an aggregate of 20% off $39.99).

Is a Cricut mystery box worth the money?

This is totally dependent upon you! I think Cricut Mystery Boxes are incredible for new Cricut proprietors since they give you testing of materials and apparatuses that are truly helpful to have when you’re initially beginning. Of course, many experienced Cricut proprietors let me know they love them since it acquaints them with new materials they haven’t attempted previously. A great many people think the secret boxes merit the cash IF they really utilize the substance! You’ll need to choose this for yourself.

How long will it take to get my mystery box?

This relies altogether upon the distance away you are from the stockroom and how upheld up they are. For the most part, they appear to show up before long decided by all the photographs I find in our Facebook people group. Yet, to be protected, I’d permit no less than seven days for them to send.

Would I be able to return a Cricut mystery box?

No, all deals are conclusive.

What is a Cricut digital mystery box?

A Digital Mystery Box is all computerized and you get access promptly — no actual items are transported to you. Computerized secret boxes can include:

  • Computerized Cut Files.
  • Print Then Cut Image Sets.
  • Authorized Images.
  • Text styles.

At the point when a Cricut Mystery Box is computerized, it will be plainly set apart accordingly. The typical cost is something similar and similar limits apply BUT Cricut Access Premium Subscribers can get half off!

Cricut Mystery Box

How do I access my Cricut digital mystery box?

You can get to your Cricut Digital Mystery Box inside Cricut Design Space. When you make your buy, you’ll get an affirmation through email. At the point when you see that, re-dispatch Cricut Design Space (indeed, quit then re-open), then, at that point, go to Images, pick “Picture Sets” under “Featured Categories,” then, at that point, under Ownership select “Bought,” and look to discover your bought picture sets. In the event that you have a lot of picture sets, you might need to look on the name with the inquiry box at the highest point of the screen.

How Often Are Mystery Boxes Released?

There is frequently another Mystery Box every month, which could conceivably follow an occasion or other subject. Be that as it may, a few months there are multiple, and at different months there are none by any means!

For instance, there might be the ‘January Mystery Box’ or the ‘Walk Mystery Box’. There might be a Halloween-themed box, a St Patrick Day box, or a Star Wars Box. There is actually no limit to the various sorts that can be delivered, however, they do appear to track with those examples.

Where To Buy Cricut Mystery Boxes?

These incredible boxes must be bought here on Cricut, and they can frequently sell out quickly. There is a restricted measure of boxes available to be purchased with each delivery, so in the event that you like the sound of one, it’s ideal to act rapidly. Some crates have been known to sell out inside a day!

To the extent we’re mindful, the cases have not been presented through different retailers like Michaels Stores, or on stages like Amazon.

Here are a portion of different things you need to think about Cricut Mystery Boxes:

1. Here and there all the cases in a specific topic are not indistinguishable. In the event that Cricut runs out of a specific thing, it will be supplanted with one more comparable result of equivalent or more prominent worth.

2. The Mystery Boxes fluctuate in cost, with the advanced picture/SVG/text style sets normally being somewhat less expensive than the containers of actual items.

3. All deals are conclusive. Sadly, on the off chance that you don’t care for what comes in your container, you can’t bring it back!

4. The substance of the case are viable with both the Maker and the Explore machines.

5. Advanced Mystery Box things will be accessible following buy in your Cricut Design Space account.

6. The Cricut Disney Mystery Boxes will in general be among the most well known, so in the event that you spot one of those, snatch it, fast!

7. Most Mystery Boxes are simply accessible to those in the US, in any case, the odd one can likewise be transported to Canada.

The most ideal way of discovering more with regards to them is to encounter one for yourself – check here in case any are accessible today! There’s continually something energizing about getting a container of stuff you know will be great, yet you don’t know precisely the thing it will be!

Most trusted Cricut Mystery Boxes sites are next:

  1. HypeDrop 1️⃣🔝

  2. DatDrop 2️⃣💝

  3. Drakemall 3️⃣💎

  4. Lootie 4️⃣✅


Table of Content

    Anna Andrushkiv
    Article by author:

    As a content creator, Anna's articles serve as treasure maps, guiding fellow adventurers through the intricate terrains of Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) and other immersive worlds. With her keen insights and battle-tested tactics, she equips players with the knowledge to conquer challenges and emerge victorious in the ever-evolving arenas of virtual combat.

    Yet, Anna's influence extends far beyond the confines of CS2. With the stroke of her keyboard, she paints vivid portraits of gaming universes, inviting readers to explore realms teeming with excitement and adventure. Her words serve as rallying cries, uniting gamers of all backgrounds in the shared pursuit of digital glory.

    But amidst the exhilarating rush of gaming conquests and the demands of content creation, Anna remains rooted in the values of community and camaraderie. Whether she's leading discussions in virtual taverns or forging alliances with fellow creators on content quests, Anna embodies the spirit of fellowship that binds gamers together.

    So, as her articles continue to light the way through the dark corridors of gaming challenges and her commentary ignites fires of passion in the hearts of players worldwide, Anna extends an open invitation to all who seek adventure in the digital realms. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a wide-eyed novice, Anna welcomes you with open arms and a promise of thrilling adventures yet to come.

    Updated on: 7 November 2023