About Us

If you are looking for a platform that is based on fair, honest, and trusted reviews, then you came to the right place. Let’s face it: in this day and age, there are plenty of shady platforms that are looking for online advertisements.

This is why we make it our mission to provide you with dedicated and transparent reviews. On top of that, our team is built around professionals who specialize in both gambling and gaming. Moreover, we also have professionals whose primaty job is to introduce the world of crypto gambling to newcomers.

What HellaGoodMarketing Do?

At HellaGoodMarketing, we make it our mission to inspect gambling websites in great detail. This means that we are checking the necessary features on the platform. This includes types of available games on the site and diverse deposit and withdrawal methods.

On top of that, we will try to get you the best possible bonuses so you can get the most bang for your buck by using some of the promo codes tailored for our readers. It is also important to mention that we have established strict review guidelines.

If a platform does not tick all the boxes in our guidelines, we will not recommend it to a wider audience. Here is an example of how we do things at HellaGoodMarketing:

  • How simple is it to navigate the website: Inspect the UI and see how easy it is to find important options on the site.
  • Customer support availability: No one likes to run into a problem. However, if a quality support program has been put in place, then issues and queries are easily solved.
  • Mobile availability: In this modern age, many players are gambling on mobile devices. To ensure a joyful experience, it is important for websites to either have a mobile app for iOS and Android devices or to have a fully optimized mobile version of the website.
  • Fairness and license: fairness and a valid license is the first thing that we check when reviewing a new platform. Bear in mind that we are never going to recommend a shady platform that did not put in place any form of a provably fair system.

Why Use HellaGoodMarketing?

If you are still unsure whether you should stick with HellaGoodMarketing or not, then here are some of the facts why you should give us a try.

  • On our platform, we are only recommending gambling sites that tick all of the boxes on our strict guidelines. This means that you will never have to worry about your financial or personal information being exposed.
  • We also provide a list of shady sites that you should avoid. On top of that, once we have a confirmation, you can also find websites that scam their customers.
  • One of the main reasons you should give HellaGoodMarketing a chance is that we work hard to provide exclusive bonuses and promotions to newcomers. By using our codes, you will get exclusive deals that you will not be able to find anywhere else.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an angle and high-quality information through various guides. Currently, our main focus is coverage of Rust, Dota 2, Team Fortress 2, and Counter-Strike 2 news. With our tutorials, we are positive that you will have plenty to learn from and utilize this knowledge to become a better player and a gambler.

Our Vision of HellaGoodMarketing

Our main goal is to create the biggest gambling and gaming community online. Our current impact on the iGaming industry has been revolutionary as we are the bridge connecting newcomers and experienced gamblers with established and up-and-coming gambling platforms.

HellaGoodMarketing Timeline

Ever since HellaGoodMarketing was established, we thrived to cover as many gambling and gaming topics as we possibly could. Below, you can find our current timeline and what the team has been working on.

  • On 03.08.2020., the HellaGoodMarketing website was created.
  • On 21.09.2020., we have made our first post regarding the importance of promo codes.
  • On 10.04.2021., we introduced new sections to our header, including CSGO Game and case studies.
  • On 13.06.2021., our header was again updated. This time, we introduced a Blog and added other pages for games, including Rust and Dota 2. We also added a section for esports betting.
  • On 25.07.2021., new pages were added to popular gambling titles like PUBG, LoL, TF2, H1Z1, and Fortnite. A new section labeled Rust Game was added as well.
  • On 17.09.2021., a new section was added to the Social header. In other games/sites, we started writing about Mystery Boxes.
  • On 23.10.2021., new sections were added to the header called Bitcoin, Boxes, and Ads.
  • On 19.01.2022., the Giveaway section was added to the header.
  • On 18.12.2022., our platform received localized versions for 20 languages. Moreover, the shooter design was updated.
  • On 21.03.2023., we have updated the about section. A YouTube channel was added to the social contacts.
  • In September 2023, sections covering Counter-Strike 2(CS2) and Ethereum were added to the website.
Article by author:

HellaGood.Marketing steht als dynamische Kraft in der digitalen Landschaft und bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Ihre Vertriebs- und Marketingbemühungen zu beispiellosem Erfolg katapultieren. Unsere Agentur ist auf drei Branchen spezialisiert: Gaming, Krypto und eSports, wo wir eine Fülle von Wissen und ein ausgeprägtes Verständnis für die Nuancen einbringen, die diese schnelllebigen Sektoren ausmachen.

Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung haben wir unser Fachwissen verfeinert, um umfassende Beratungs- und Implementierungsdienste anzubieten, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Egal, ob Sie ein aufstrebendes Gaming-Startup sind, das seine Nische in der Branche erobern möchte, oder eine etablierte Krypto-Plattform, die Ihre Reichweite vergrößern möchte, wir haben die Tools, Erkenntnisse und Strategien, die Ihnen beim Erreichen Ihrer Ziele helfen.

Was uns auszeichnet, ist unser unerschütterliches Engagement für Exzellenz und Innovation. Wir folgen nicht nur Trends; wir stellen sie ein. Indem wir immer einen Schritt voraus bleiben und uns kontinuierlich an die sich entwickelnde Landschaft unserer Branchen anpassen, stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Kunden in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen immer an der Spitze bleiben.

Bei HellaGood.Marketing verstehen wir, dass es beim Erfolg nicht nur auf eine Erfolgsstrategie ankommt; es geht auch um die Ausführung. Aus diesem Grund bieten wir eine umfassende Palette an Dienstleistungen an, die darauf ausgelegt sind, Ihre Vision vom Konzept in die Realität umzusetzen. Von der Marktforschung und Konkurrenzanalyse bis hin zur Kampagnenplanung und -durchführung begleiten wir Sie bei jedem Schritt und sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Marke auf einem überfüllten Markt hervorsticht.

Aber unser Streben nach Exzellenz endet hier nicht. Wir glauben an die Förderung langfristiger Partnerschaften, die auf Vertrauen, Transparenz und gegenseitigem Respekt basieren. Wenn Sie sich für HellaGood.Marketing entscheiden, beauftragen Sie nicht nur eine Agentur; Sie gewinnen ein engagiertes Team von Fachleuten, die genauso an Ihrem Erfolg interessiert sind wie Sie.

Egal, ob Sie ein bahnbrechendes neues Produkt auf den Markt bringen, Ihre Marktpräsenz erweitern oder einfach Ihre Marketingbemühungen auf die nächste Stufe heben möchten: HellaGood.Marketing verfügt über das Fachwissen und die Leidenschaft, um Sie beim Erreichen Ihrer Ziele zu unterstützen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf diese Reise gehen und neu definieren, wie Erfolg im digitalen Zeitalter aussieht.

Updated on: 4 April 2024